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Cool & Warm season(30°F → 90°F)
Survives hard freezes
Replant as often as every 24 weeks
How to plant Parsley
Mulch heavily to keep the soil warm in colder months.
Start by seeding outdoors
Seed 1/4" deep
4 plants / square
Prefers a 7 gal container
Prefers full sunlight or partial shade
Grows to .5 - 1 ft
Parsley Varieties
Flat Leaf
Moss Curled
Flat Leaf
Grown as an annual and preferred by cooks for its robust flavor, flat-leaved parsley adds a fresh, tantalizing note to omelets, stews, vegetables, and even soft cheeses and rice. The flat leaves are easy to chop. Parsley is one of the most used culinary herbs around the globe; it is also considered to aid digestion. Grow indoors for fresh parsley year-round.